When it comes to email newsletters, timing is everything. Knowing when to send your newsletter can make a big difference in its success. To ensure your newsletter reaches the right audience, it is important to consider the best time to send it. It is generally recommended to send email newsletters during the weekdays, as this is when most people are actively checking their emails. If you are targeting a business audience, consider sending your newsletter in the morning or early afternoon. This gives your audience time to read and respond to your email before the end of the day. On the other hand, if you are targeting a consumer audience, consider sending your newsletter in the evening or on the weekends. This gives your audience time to read and respond to your email when they are less likely to be busy with work or other commitments.


Email marketing is an effective way to reach your target audience and keep them informed about your business. Knowing when to send your email newsletter is essential for its success. Generally, the best time to send an email newsletter will depend on your target audience. Additionally, the content of your newsletter should also be taken into consideration. If your newsletter contains timely news or updates, then sending it as soon as possible is recommended. On the other hand, if your newsletter contains more evergreen content, then you can send it at any time.

Know the Factors:

Overall, the best time to send your email newsletter will depend on your target audience and the content of your newsletter.

Choose right time

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach out to their customers and potential customers. However, timing is key when it comes to sending out email newsletters. Knowing when to send an email newsletter can make the difference between a successful campaign and one that is not as successful. But, when is the best time to send an email newsletter? Knowing when to send your emails is key to getting the most out of your email marketing efforts. Note that timing is everything. The best time to send an email newsletter does also depend on factors like your target audience and the type of content you are sending. Consider the time zones of your audience and the time of day they are most likely to check their emails. It is also important to consider the type of content you are sending. For example, if you are sending a newsletter about a special offer, it is best to send it during the times when your audience is most likely to be shopping.

Know target audience

The best time to send an email newsletter depends on the target audience. Different demographics tend to respond differently to email newsletters, so it is important to research the target audience before sending out a newsletter. For example, if the target audience is working professionals, it is best to send the newsletter during the weekdays when they are more likely to be checking their emails. On the other hand, if the target audience is college students, it is best to send the newsletter during the weekend when they are more likely to have time to read it.

Type of content

It is also important to consider the tone of the email newsletter. Make sure to use a formal tone that is appropriate for the type of message you are sending. To ensure that your emails reach the right people at the right time, consider using an email automation tool to schedule your emails.

Also, you should know the different forms of newsletters and when to send it.

a) For promotional purposes

  • Introduce sales, discount offers, or new products
  • Send emails any time of the year or on special holidays
  • Include attractive visuals
  • Include a call-to-action
  • Include a subject line that is catchy and relevant to the content
  • Include a link to your website or social media profiles
  • Test different versions of the email to see which one works best
  • Make sales and increase profit

b) User-generated

  • Get reviews, testimonials or case studies from your users
  • Keep subscribers interested and engaged with your brand
  • Provides a feeling of authority and relatability
  • Collect valuable feedback from customers

c) Invitational

  • Personalize the newsletter with the reader’s name
  • Include date, timings, and location of each event
  • Use attractive images to excite readers
  • Provide readers with information about the event
  • Invite readers to respond to the event
  • Include a call to action
  • Provide contact information

d) Seasonal

  • Greet your customers and wish them a happy holiday
  • Give them tips to celebrate the holiday
  • Offer recipe suggestions
  • Provide decorative ideas
  • Give gift suggestions
  • Promote your items with special discount offers
  • Remind them of the importance of the holiday
  • Thank them for being a customer

e) Hybrid

  • Combines a variety of email newsletter types to keep readers updated
  • Includes promotional content, curated content, blog posts, etc.
  • Keeps readers engaged with diverse content
  • Use a formal tone to ensure a professional presentation

Know the Reasons:

With so many competitors out there in the market and inboxes flooded with numerous marketing emails, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. To ensure that your emails are opened and read, the marketer must send them at the right time of the day or week. Research has shown that the best time to send emails is between 10am and 2pm, as this is when most people are likely to open and read them. However, it is also important to take into consideration the time zone of the recipients, as this can have a significant impact on the open rate.

Improving conversion rates

Converting readers into leads or even sales is the ultimate goal of any marketer. Also, it is the most time-consuming step for your audience as it often involves filling out forms or browsing product pages. Understand the routines of your target demographic and you will be able to reach people when they can comfortably engage. Understanding customer behavior, habits, and time zones can help you determine the best day and time of the week to send your email, and ensure your message is seen first when your subscribers check their emails.

Understanding customer behavior, habits, and time zones can help you determine the best day and time of the week to send your email, and ensure your message is seen first when your subscribers check their emails. Additionally, you should use a formal tone when communicating with potential customers. Using a formal tone will help build trust and credibility, which could lead to higher conversion rates. Finally, you should focus on creating content that is relevant and engaging. This will ensure that readers are more likely to take the next step and convert.

Increase email open rates

The email inbox is a crowded space. With so many emails vying for attention, it is easy for your message to get lost in the shuffle. That is why sending your emails at the right time is so important for your email marketing campaigns.

When you send your emails at the top of the inbox, you can expect higher open rates. According to industry standards, emails should have a 21% open rate on average. Sending your emails at the optimal time can help you achieve this goal.

Amplify click-through rates

In addition to higher open rates, sending your emails at the right time can also help boost your click-through rates. Even if your entire email list opens your message, you won’t get a decent return on investment (ROI) if no one clicks through. The industry standard for click-through rates is 7.8%. If you send your emails at the wrong time, your contacts may not have the time to read your email or click on your great CTAs.